BHEL Electronics division, Bangalore has invited tenders from reputed companies for supply of Crystalline PV modules as per the attached tender documents.

Corrigendum 01 and corrigendum 02 have been issued. Revised due date is 20.04.2021. Kindly submit offer before due date BHEL Electronics division, Bangalore has invited tenders from reputed companies for supply of Crystalline PV modules as per the attached tender documents. Corrigendum 01 and corrigendum 02 have been issued. Revised due date is 20.04.2021. Kindly submit offer before due date

BHEL Electronics division, Bangalore has invited tenders from reputed companies for supply of Crystalline PV modules as per the attached tender documents. Corrigendum 01 and corrigendum 02 have been issued. Revised due date is 20.04.2021. Kindly submit offer before due date


BHEL Electronics division, Bangalore has invited tenders from reputed companies for supply of Crystalline PV modules as per the attached tender documents.

Corrigendum 01 and corrigendum 02 have been issued. Revised due date is 20.04.2021. Kindly submit offer before due date.


Sl. No.


Ref No

Due Date


Manufacturing and supply of Crystalline PV Module >=330 Wp

SPKSCPV068 dtd. 06.04.2021



Please reach out to :  S.Pankaj Kumar - Dy Manager (MM), BHEL, Bangalore, Mobile # +91-8126333426

Corrigendum 01 SPKSCPV068

Corrigendum 02 SPKSCPV068