In-chargeMaterials Management, Western Offshore Basin, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited, Mumbai invites Open ICB e-tender under two bid system for Acquisition of 2D Seismic Data in un-appraised on land areas of Indian Sedimentary Basins of India for Sector 01 to 06 throughONGC’s e-procurement portal as per following details: Tender fee :- INR 60,000/-, tobe paid through payment gateway provided in ONGC’s e-procurement portal. Sale of tender document:- from 23/06/2015UP TO TENDER CLOSING DATE & TIME. Lastdate for receipt of queries for pre-bid conference:- 13/07/2015. Date ofpre-bid conference:- 20/07/2015 (1430hrs). Tender closing/ opening date & time:- 19/08/2015 at 1600 hrs / 1700 hrs respectively. Details of the NIT and link to ONGC’s e-procurement portal are available at our website .